
Thank you for visiting Nova Training and Consulting

We are very involved in the business side of training, maintaining the ROI and integrity of the products your organization provides. Our job is to enlighten your staff to be the best they can be, keep productivity flowing while they are in training sessions, and create an environment during the session that motivates your staff to want to put what they learned into action when they leave the session .

Our Mission

To provide customer-oriented, energetic and fun training programs and to be recognized as a top provider of these services among peers and human resource professionals. To provide answer to the questions that your organization struggles with, and to have your employees walk away saying, WOW, that was a great way to spend my day. We ask you to ask yourself "What is the consequence of doing nothing at all?"
Our Approach

All training is based on in-house needs assessments, with proper evaluation techniques developed.  All training is designed around the seven stage experiential cycle with the emphases of all training being that the four learning styles needs are all met. Skills, Knowledge and Attitude objectives are met in all sessions and all sessions are fun and enjoyable.

"What we think or what we know, or believe is of little consequence, the only consequence is what we do"  John Ruskin

"What is the consequence of doing nothing at all?Christine Pohlkamp


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News of interest

New workshops 


A few new workshops are now available:

Work-Life Balance Executive session
In this one day session, Managers and staff can set up the expectations of work-life balance in their work place. The days topics include the link to the corporate vision/value/mission statement, identifying benefits and barriers and creating solutions with action statements.

Work-Life Balance, In this one day workshop participants go through a stress inventory to determine their work life balance situation. They also learn about prioritizing and saying no. The participants are able to determine common factors that affect work life balance and create a template for what their personal needs are.

Communicating While Under Stress
In this one day workshop the learner gets a chance to learn how stress governs communication and how to communicate while under stress. Stress management is discussed as well.

Kids have Stress Too
This session is a one day program designed to assist parents in dealing with their children’s stress. Ages 2-7 are addressed. This can be held as a ½ day info driven session as well, and all participants leave with a booklet of handy stress reducing activities for their children. Organizations find this course to be beneficial as it decreases children’s stress (with the parents help) which then decreases absenteeism of their parents.

For more information Contact Us